Acer platanoides | Norway maple, harlequin maple | |
Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala | Amur maple | |
Achyranthes japonica | Japanese chaff flower | |
Acroptilon repens | hardheads, Russian knapweed, creeping knapweed | |
Ailanthus altissima | tree-of-heaven, ailanthus, varnish-tree, copa-tree | |
Akebia quinata | chocolate vine, five-leaf akebia | |
Albizia julibrissin | silktree, mimosa, silk-tree albizia | |
Alliaria petiolata | garlic mustard | |
Alternanthera sessilis | sessile joyweed | |
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata | porcelain berry | |
Aralia elata | Japanese angelica tree | |
Arctium minus | burdock, cockle-button, clotbur | |
Arundo donax | giant reed, cana-brava, carrizo | |
Belamcanda chinensis | blackberry lily, leopard flower | |
Berberis thunbergii | Japanese barberry | |
Bothriochloa bladhii | Caucasian bluestem | |
Bothriochloa ischaemum | yellow bluestem, plains blue-stem, King Ranch blue-stem | |
Bromus inermis | smooth brome, Hungarian brome, awnless brome grass | |
Bromus sterilis | bromegrass, barren brome, poverty brome | |
Bromus tectorum | cheat grass, downy brome | |
Broussonetia papyrifera | paper mulberry, tapa-cloth-tree | |
Butomus umbellatus | flowering rush, grassy-rush | |
Cardamine impatiens | narrowleaf bittercress | |
Carduus nutans | musk thistle, nodding thistle, plumeless thistle | |
Castanea mollissima | Chinese chestnut | |
Celastrus orbiculatus | Oriental bittersweet | |
Cenchrus purpurascens | fountain grass | |
Centaurea solstitialis | yellow star thistle | |
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos | spotted knapweed | |
Cirsium arvense | Canada thistle, creeping thistle, small-flowered thistle | |
Cirsium vulgare | bull thistle | |
Clematis terniflora | sweet autumn virginsbower | |
Conium maculatum | poison hemlock, snake-weed, spotted-hemlock | |
Convolvulus arvensis | field bindweed, bear-bind, creeping-Jennie, small-flowered morning-glory | |
Cynanchum louiseae | black swallow-wort, climbing milkweed | |
Cynanchum rossicum | European swallow-wort | |
Dioscorea polystachya | air potato, Chinese yam, cinnamon vine | |
Dipsacus fullonum | common teasel, wild teasel | |
Dipsacus laciniatus | cut-leaf teasel | |
Echium vulgare | common viper's bugloss, blue-thistle, blueweed, blue-devil | |
Egeria densa | Brazilian waterweed, Brazilian elodea, egeria | |
Eichhornia crassipes | water hyacinth | |
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian olive, oleander, silver berry | |
Elaeagnus umbellata | autumn olive | |
Eragrastis curvula | weeping lovegrass | |
Euonymus alatus | winged burning bush, winged spindle-tree, winged euonymus | |
Euonymus fortunei | climbing euonymus, wintercreeper | |
Euphorbia esula | leafy spurge, wolf's milk, faitours-grass | |
Fallopia japonica | Japanese knotweed, fleece-flower | |
Festuca arundinacea | tall fescue, reed fescue, alta fescue | |
Frangula alnus | glossy buckthorn, European alder buckthorn | |
Galega officinalis | goatsrue, European Goat's Rue, Professor Weed | |
Glechoma hederacea | ground ivy, creeping charlie, alehoof, field-balm, runaway-robin | |
Hedera helix | English ivy | |
Hemerocallis fulva | orange daylily, tawny daylily, fulvous daylily | |
Heracleum mantegazzianum | giant hogweed | |
Hesperis matronalis | dame’s rocket, sweet-rocket, mother-of-the-evening | |
Humulus japonicus | Japanese hops | |
Hydrilla verticillata | hydrilla | |
Hypericum perforatum | St. John's wort, goat-weed, eola-weed | |
Imperata cylindrica | cogongrass, Kasongole | |
Iris pseudacorus | yellow flag iris | |
Koelreuteria paniculata | golden rain tree, pride-of-India, China-tree | |
Kummerowia stipulacea | Korean clover, Korean lespedeza, Korean bush-clover | |
Kummerowia striata | Japanese clover, Japanese bush-clover, annual lespedeza, Japanese lespedeza | |
Landoltia punctata | dotted duckweed | |
Lepidium latifolium | pepperweed | |
Lespedeza bicolor | bicolor lespedeza, shrub bush-clover, shrub lespedeza | |
Lespedeza cuneata | sericea lespedeza, Chinese bush-clover | |
Lespedeza thunbergii | Thunberg's bushclover, Thunberg's lespedeza | |
Ligustrum amurense | Amur privet | |
Ligustrum japonicum | Japanese privet, wax-leaf privet | |
Ligustrum lucidum | glossy privet | |
Ligustrum obtusifolium | border privet | |
Ligustrum ovalifolium | California privet | |
Ligustrum quihoui | waxyleaf privet | |
Ligustrum sinense | Chinese privet | |
Ligustrum vulgare | European privet | |
Lonicera fragrantissima | sweet breath of spring, winter honeysuckle, fragrant honeysuckle, January jasmine, Chinese honeysuckle | |
Lonicera japonica | Japanese honeysuckle | |
Lonicera maackii | Amur honeysuckle | |
Lonicera morrowii | Morrow's honeysuckle | |
Lonicera tatarica | Tartarian bush honeysuckle | |
Lonicera x bella | Bell's honeysuckle | |
Lonicera xylosteum | dwarf honeysuckle, European fly honeysuckle, fly honeysuckle | |
Lotus corniculatus | birdsfoot trefoil | |
Lysimachia nummularia | creeping jenny, creeping loosestrife, moneywort, yellow-myrtle, creeping-Charlie | |
Lythrum salicaria | purple loosestrife, bouguet-violet, purple lythrum, spiked loosestrife | |
Lythrum virgatum | European wand loosestrife | |
Melilotus alba | white sweet clover | |
Melilotus officinalis | yellow sweet clover | |
Microstegium vimineum | Japanese stiltgrass | |
Miscanthus sinensis | Japanese plume grass, eulalia grass, eulalia | |
Miscanthus x giganteus | Giant Miscanthus | |
Morus alba | white mulberry | |
Myriophyllum aquaticum | parrotfeather, water-feather | |
Myriophyllum spicatum | Eurasian watermilfoil | |
Najas minor | brittle naiad, eutrophic water-nymph, brittle-leaf naiad | |
Nandina domestica | heavenly bamboo, sacred-bamboo | |
Onopordum acanthium | Scotch thistle, cotton thistle | |
Ornithogalum umbellatum | star of Bethlehem, dove's-dung, summer-snowflake, nap-at-noon | |
Pastinaca sativa | wild parsnip, Hart's-eye, bird's-nest | |
Paulownia tomentosa | princess tree, royal paulownia, empress tree | |
Perilla frutescens | beefsteak plant, Perilla mint, perilla | |
Persicaria perfoliata | mile-a-minute weed | |
Phalaris arundinacea | reed canary grass | |
Phellodendron amurense | amur corktree | |
Phragmites australis | common reed, carrizo | |
Phyllostachys aurea | golden bamboo | |
Populus alba | Silver poplar, white poplar, silver-leaf poplar | |
Potamogeton crispus | curly leaf pondweed, curly muck-weed | |
Prunus mahaleb | Mahaleb cherry, perfumed cherry, St. Lucie cherry | |
Pueraria montana var. lobata | Kudzu | |
Pyrus calleryana | ornamental pear, callery pear, Bradford pear | |
Quercus acutissima | saw tooth oak | |
Ranunculus ficaria | lesser celandine, pileword | |
Rhamnus cathartica | common buckthorn, European buckthorn | |
Rhamnus davurica | Dahurian buckthorn | |
Rhodotypos scandens | jetbead, Makino-black jetbead | |
Rosa multiflora | multiflora rose, baby rose | |
Rottboellia cochinchinensis | itchgrass | |
Rubus armeniacus | Himalayan blackberry | |
Rubus phoenicolasius | wine raspberry, Japanese wineberry | |
Saccharum ravennae | ravennagrass | |
Scabiosa atropurpurea | pincushion flower, mourning-bride, sweet scabious | |
Securigera varia | crown vetch, purple crownvetch, trailing crown-vetch, Axseed | |
Sesbania herbacea | hemp sesbania | |
Sesbania vesicaria | bagpod | |
Solanum viarum | tropical soda apple | |
Sonchus arvensis | field sowthistle, perennial sow-thistle | |
Sorghum halepense | Johnson grass | |
Sparganium erectum | simplestem bur-reed, exotic bur-reed | |
Tamarix chinensis | saltcedar | |
Tanacetum vulgare | common tansy, golden-buttons | |
Ulmus parvifolia | Lacebark elm, Chinese elm | |
Ulmus pumila | Siberian elm | |
Viburnum opulus | European cranberry bush | |
Vicia villosa | winter vetch, hairy vetch | |
Vinca minor | common periwinkle | |
Wisteria floribunda | Japanese wisteria | |
Wisteria sinensis | Chinese wisteria | |
Zelkova serrata | Japanese zelkova | |