Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP) Invasive Plant Assessment

The Missouri Invasive Plant Assessment is a comprehensive statewide assessment of known and potentially invasive plants. The completion of this assessment meets one of MoIP’s critically important priority goals.

three versions of heat maps with state of Missouri

Our Approach

Starting with our network of local, state and federal agencies and private industries, MoIP sought input from experienced field biologists in Missouri.

MoIP sent these guidelines to reviewers, along with a detailed spreadsheet to complete with their observations.

MoIP received 26 completed reviews.

Categories of Assessment

MoIP invited reviewers to assign independent ranks for the following three categories:

1. Impact

How severe is the current impact of the species on natural communities in each of Missouri’s primary ecological regions?

2. Current Abundance

Estimate the species current abundance in each of Missouri’s primary ecological regions.

3. Trend in Distribution and Abundance

Based on observations and regional trends over the past 10-20 years, estimate how rapidly the species range will expand to form new occurrences throughout each of Missouri’s primary ecological regions over the next 10 years?

Invasive Plant Assessment Maps

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Scientific NameCommon Name - USDA PLANTSMap
Acer platanoidesNorway maple, harlequin maple
Acer tataricum subsp. ginnalaAmur maple
Achyranthes japonicaJapanese chaff flower
Acroptilon repenshardheads, Russian knapweed, creeping knapweed
Ailanthus altissimatree-of-heaven, ailanthus, varnish-tree, copa-tree
Akebia quinatachocolate vine, five-leaf akebia
Albizia julibrissinsilktree, mimosa, silk-tree albizia
Alliaria petiolatagarlic mustard
Alternanthera sessilissessile joyweed
Ampelopsis brevipedunculataporcelain berry
Aralia elataJapanese angelica tree
Arctium minusburdock, cockle-button, clotbur
Arundo donaxgiant reed, cana-brava, carrizo
Belamcanda chinensisblackberry lily, leopard flower
Berberis thunbergiiJapanese barberry
Bothriochloa bladhiiCaucasian bluestem
Bothriochloa ischaemumyellow bluestem, plains blue-stem, King Ranch blue-stem
Bromus inermissmooth brome, Hungarian brome, awnless brome grass
Bromus sterilisbromegrass, barren brome, poverty brome
Bromus tectorumcheat grass, downy brome
Broussonetia papyriferapaper mulberry, tapa-cloth-tree
Butomus umbellatusflowering rush, grassy-rush
Cardamine impatiensnarrowleaf bittercress
Carduus nutansmusk thistle, nodding thistle, plumeless thistle
Castanea mollissimaChinese chestnut
Celastrus orbiculatusOriental bittersweet
Cenchrus purpurascens fountain grass
Centaurea solstitialisyellow star thistle
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthosspotted knapweed
Cirsium arvenseCanada thistle, creeping thistle, small-flowered thistle
Cirsium vulgarebull thistle
Clematis terniflorasweet autumn virginsbower
Conium maculatumpoison hemlock, snake-weed, spotted-hemlock
Convolvulus arvensisfield bindweed, bear-bind, creeping-Jennie, small-flowered morning-glory
Cynanchum louiseaeblack swallow-wort, climbing milkweed
Cynanchum rossicumEuropean swallow-wort
Dioscorea polystachyaair potato, Chinese yam, cinnamon vine
Dipsacus fullonumcommon teasel, wild teasel
Dipsacus laciniatuscut-leaf teasel
Echium vulgarecommon viper's bugloss, blue-thistle, blueweed, blue-devil
Egeria densaBrazilian waterweed, Brazilian elodea, egeria
Eichhornia crassipeswater hyacinth
Elaeagnus angustifoliaRussian olive, oleander, silver berry
Elaeagnus umbellataautumn olive
Eragrastis curvulaweeping lovegrass
Euonymus alatuswinged burning bush, winged spindle-tree, winged euonymus
Euonymus fortuneiclimbing euonymus, wintercreeper
Euphorbia esulaleafy spurge, wolf's milk, faitours-grass
Fallopia japonicaJapanese knotweed, fleece-flower
Festuca arundinaceatall fescue, reed fescue, alta fescue
Frangula alnusglossy buckthorn, European alder buckthorn
Galega officinalisgoatsrue, European Goat's Rue, Professor Weed
Glechoma hederaceaground ivy, creeping charlie, alehoof, field-balm, runaway-robin
Hedera helixEnglish ivy
Hemerocallis fulvaorange daylily, tawny daylily, fulvous daylily
Heracleum mantegazzianumgiant hogweed
Hesperis matronalisdame’s rocket, sweet-rocket, mother-of-the-evening
Humulus japonicusJapanese hops
Hydrilla verticillatahydrilla
Hypericum perforatumSt. John's wort, goat-weed, eola-weed
Imperata cylindricacogongrass, Kasongole
Iris pseudacorusyellow flag iris
Koelreuteria paniculatagolden rain tree, pride-of-India, China-tree
Kummerowia stipulaceaKorean clover, Korean lespedeza, Korean bush-clover
Kummerowia striataJapanese clover, Japanese bush-clover, annual lespedeza, Japanese lespedeza
Landoltia punctatadotted duckweed
Lepidium latifoliumpepperweed
Lespedeza bicolorbicolor lespedeza, shrub bush-clover, shrub lespedeza
Lespedeza cuneatasericea lespedeza, Chinese bush-clover
Lespedeza thunbergiiThunberg's bushclover, Thunberg's lespedeza
Ligustrum amurenseAmur privet
Ligustrum japonicumJapanese privet, wax-leaf privet
Ligustrum lucidumglossy privet
Ligustrum obtusifoliumborder privet
Ligustrum ovalifoliumCalifornia privet
Ligustrum quihouiwaxyleaf privet
Ligustrum sinenseChinese privet
Ligustrum vulgareEuropean privet
Lonicera fragrantissimasweet breath of spring, winter honeysuckle, fragrant honeysuckle, January jasmine, Chinese honeysuckle
Lonicera japonicaJapanese honeysuckle
Lonicera maackiiAmur honeysuckle
Lonicera morrowiiMorrow's honeysuckle
Lonicera tataricaTartarian bush honeysuckle
Lonicera x bellaBell's honeysuckle
Lonicera xylosteumdwarf honeysuckle, European fly honeysuckle, fly honeysuckle
Lotus corniculatusbirdsfoot trefoil
Lysimachia nummulariacreeping jenny, creeping loosestrife, moneywort, yellow-myrtle, creeping-Charlie
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrife, bouguet-violet, purple lythrum, spiked loosestrife
Lythrum virgatumEuropean wand loosestrife
Melilotus albawhite sweet clover
Melilotus officinalisyellow sweet clover
Microstegium vimineumJapanese stiltgrass
Miscanthus sinensisJapanese plume grass, eulalia grass, eulalia
Miscanthus x giganteusGiant Miscanthus
Morus albawhite mulberry
Myriophyllum aquaticumparrotfeather, water-feather
Myriophyllum spicatumEurasian watermilfoil
Najas minorbrittle naiad, eutrophic water-nymph, brittle-leaf naiad
Nandina domesticaheavenly bamboo, sacred-bamboo
Onopordum acanthiumScotch thistle, cotton thistle
Ornithogalum umbellatumstar of Bethlehem, dove's-dung, summer-snowflake, nap-at-noon
Pastinaca sativawild parsnip, Hart's-eye, bird's-nest
Paulownia tomentosaprincess tree, royal paulownia, empress tree
Perilla frutescensbeefsteak plant, Perilla mint, perilla
Persicaria perfoliatamile-a-minute weed
Phalaris arundinaceareed canary grass
Phellodendron amurenseamur corktree
Phragmites australiscommon reed, carrizo
Phyllostachys aureagolden bamboo
Populus albaSilver poplar, white poplar, silver-leaf poplar
Potamogeton crispuscurly leaf pondweed, curly muck-weed
Prunus mahalebMahaleb cherry, perfumed cherry, St. Lucie cherry
Pueraria montana var. lobataKudzu
Pyrus calleryanaornamental pear, callery pear, Bradford pear
Quercus acutissimasaw tooth oak
Ranunculus ficarialesser celandine, pileword
Rhamnus catharticacommon buckthorn, European buckthorn
Rhamnus davuricaDahurian buckthorn
Rhodotypos scandensjetbead, Makino-black jetbead
Rosa multifloramultiflora rose, baby rose
Rottboellia cochinchinensisitchgrass
Rubus armeniacusHimalayan blackberry
Rubus phoenicolasiuswine raspberry, Japanese wineberry
Saccharum ravennaeravennagrass
Scabiosa atropurpureapincushion flower, mourning-bride, sweet scabious
Securigera variacrown vetch, purple crownvetch, trailing crown-vetch, Axseed
Sesbania herbaceahemp sesbania
Sesbania vesicariabagpod
Solanum viarumtropical soda apple
Sonchus arvensisfield sowthistle, perennial sow-thistle
Sorghum halepenseJohnson grass
Sparganium erectumsimplestem bur-reed, exotic bur-reed
Tamarix chinensissaltcedar
Tanacetum vulgarecommon tansy, golden-buttons
Ulmus parvifoliaLacebark elm, Chinese elm
Ulmus pumilaSiberian elm
Viburnum opulusEuropean cranberry bush
Vicia villosawinter vetch, hairy vetch
Vinca minorcommon periwinkle
Wisteria floribundaJapanese wisteria
Wisteria sinensisChinese wisteria
Zelkova serrataJapanese zelkova

Note: Some species display blank maps because of insufficient review data to populate the map. The ‘insufficient data’ tag in the maps means that there were fewer than 3 reviews for that species/region. There is also a ‘no data’ tag for those without any reviews. These plants are included in the assessment list because they are known as invasive and/or are regulated in neighboring states.

What’s Next

This assessment will be updated every several years based on additional and on-going in-the-field observations and reviews.

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