Fall is a great time to plant trees, shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers, so it’s also the best time to be thinking about incorporating native plants into your garden and landscape. MoIP is asking Missourians to skip the invasive plants and choose native plants instead!
The Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), alongside the Grow Native! native plant marketing and education program, is highlighting fall as an ideal time of year to plant native trees. From September 15th through October 15th, MoIP will be promoting information about the types of trees that are native to Missouri, as well as planting tips and tricks to help give your new tree a great start at a new life.
Get Resources for Planting and Buying Native Trees
Gardeners and shoppers looking for native trees and shrubs can search the Grow Native! plant database. Sort through more than 330 native plants, including trees and shrubs, in the Grow Native! searchable online native plant database. Grow Native! provides not only recommendations of specific trees and shrubs that are native to Missouri, but also a searchable online database of nurseries, landscapers, and other native plant resources.
We also have a wealth of resources to facilitate the fall planting of native trees. Click here for native tree lists, tree planting and pruning guides, and more. This is where you will find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about controlling invasive plants and planting native trees.
- I’m ready to stop planting invasives, but how do I know what is invasive?
- I’m ready to plant native trees and shrubs, but how do I know what to buy?
- I know what native tree I want to buy, but where can I buy it?
- I am ready to plant my native tree, but how should I plant it?
Ready to buy and plant native trees and shrubs?
MoIP has teamed up with Grow Native! professional members who are selling native trees and shrubs this fall or offer landscaping services. Grow Native! professional members with fall promotions of native trees and other native plants include the following:
- Sow Wild Natives http://sowwildnatives.com/products
- Sugar Creek Gardens https://sugarcreekgardens.com/
- Ozark Soul Native Plants https://www.ozarksoul.com/
- Richard Clayton Barrett Landscape Architect https://www.richardclaytonbarrett.com/
- Quiet Village Landscaping https://www.quietvillagelandscaping.com/project-gallery
- Pollinator Patches, LLC https://www.allthepollinators.com/
- Papillon Perennial https://www.papillonperennials.com/
Learn more about participating businesses!
Sugar Creek Gardens
At Sugar Creek Gardens, you will find new arrivals of fresh, locally grown, native shrubs, trees and perennials. Visit www.sugarcreekgardens.com to see what’s new.
Ozark Soul Native Plants
Ozark Soul Native Plants’ autumn sale events in Springfield, Missouri are listed below. They will have a variety of regional native perennials, trees, shrubs and vines available to purchase at each of these events. We also accept pre-orders for each of these sale events. Learn more about pre-ordering on www.OzarkSoul.com
- Wild Birds Unlimited native plant sale
- Missouri Department of Conservation Nature Center native plant sale
- Springfield Botanical Gardens native plant sale
Sow Wild Natives
Sow Wild Natives has the following trees/shrubs available this fall.
Burr Oak – Quercus macrocarpa
Buttonbush – Cephalanthus occidentalis
Deciduous Holly – Ilex decidua
Elderberry – Sambucus canadensis
False Indigo Bush – Amorpha fruticosa
Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florida
Fragrant Sumac – Rhus aromatica
Fringetree – Chionanthus virginicus
Lead Plant – Amorpha canescens
New Jersey Tea – Ceanothus americanus
Ninebark – Physocarpus opulifolius
Ozark Witch Hazel – Hamamelis vernalis
Pawpaw – Asimina triloba
Persimmon – Diospyros virginiana
River Birch – Betula nigra
Serviceberry – Amelanchier arborea
Silky Dogwood – Cornus amomum
Shrubby St. John’s Wort – Hypericum prolificum
Spicebush – Lindera benzoin
Swamp White Oak – Quercus bicolor
Tulip Tree – Liriodendron tulipifera
Washington Hawthorn – Crataegus phaenopyrum
White Oak – Quercus alba
Sow Wild Natives is open 1st & 3rd successive Friday & Saturday of each month, from 9AM – 4PM and is located at 6201 Noland Road, Kansas City, MO 64133. Check out Sow Wild Natives – Products for more updated product information.
They will also be selling a more limited selection of products (or will take preorders) at the following events:
Monday, September 12th, 4PM-8PM
Deep Roots Plan It Native Conference
(registration required for this event)
Boulevard Brewing Company
2501 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108
Saturday, September 17th, 10AM-2PM
Missouri Prairie Foundation Native Plant Sale
Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center
4750 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO 64110
Saturday, September 24th, 10AM-2PM
Deep Roots Fundraiser
Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center
4750 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO 64110