The period for this year’s Invasive Plant Action Awards nominations is now open! Submit your nomination using this Google form.
The deadline to submit nominations is June 15, 2023.
The period for this year’s Invasive Plant Action Awards nominations is now open! Submit your nomination using this Google form.
The deadline to submit nominations is June 15, 2023.
What can the Private Land Conservationist, Community Forester, and Community Planner provide toMissourians? Meet with landowners and community officials to understand objectives and needs. Provide direction when objectives are not clearly defined. Develop individual...
On October 12, 2024, the Thomas Hart-Benton Group of The Sierra Club (the THB Group), along with its partners, organized the beginnings of a successful Callery pear tree (Pyrus calleryiana) removal project at the interchange of I-470 and Lakeside Drive in the Kansas...
Thanks to funding from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, MoIP contracted with the Institute of Botanical Training to survey more than 30 designated Missouri Natural Areas in the Ozark Highlands and the Mississippi Lowlands in 2024. These locations were chosen to...