2/20/24 Update: This hearing is cancelled.
A hearing has been set for Senate Bill (SB) 1281, creating provisions to prohibit the sale of select invasive plants, on Tuesday, February 20 at 9:15 a.m. by the Missouri Senate Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee. The hearing will be held in Room Senate Committee Room (SCR) 1, on the main floor of the Missouri State Capitol. SB 1281 will likely be amended to mirror HB 2412.
Before Tuesday, Feb. 20, please contact members of the Missouri Senate Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee, voice your support for SB 1281, and urge them to support it as well. Phone numbers and email addresses of the committee members are provided in the committee link above, and their email addresses are below as well. It is best to send them individual emails, not one group email. By clicking on the committee link above, then, by clicking on each senator’s photo, you can find an email link as well.
jason.bean@senate.mo.gov — Senator Jason Bean, and Chair of the Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee
rusty.black@senate.mo.gov — Senator Rusty Black
mike.bernskoetter@senate.mo.gov — Senator Mike Bernskoetter, sponsor of SB 1281
justin.brown@senate.mo.gov — Senator Justin Brown
jill.carter@senate.mo.gov — Senator Jill Carter
sandy.crawford@senate.mo.gov — Senator Sandy Crawford
tracy.mccreery@senate.mo.gov — Senator Tracy McCreery
greg.razer@senate.mo.gov — Senator Greg Razer
barbara.washington@senate.mo.gov — Senator Barbara Washington
This is an important opportunity to voice your support for removing select invasive plants from sale in Missouri.
And, here is an update on House Bill 2412, the Invasive Plant Bill filed by Missouri Representative Bruce Sassmann (District 061): It passed unanimously by the Missouri House Conservation and Natural Resources Committee on February 7 and passed in the Missouri House Rules & Legislative Oversight Committee with only one “nay” vote on February 13. The House Speaker has not yet scheduled it for a House vote.