The Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP) advocates for making early detection and control of known and potential invasive plants a statewide priority.

What is the Missouri Invasive Plant Council?

In 2015, Grow Native! spearheaded this multi-agency, multi-industry networking and advocacy group (first called the Missouri Invasive Plant Species Task Force, then the Missouri Invasive Plant Task Force, and now the Missouri Invasive Plant Council) to bolster statewide efforts to identify and control the invasive plant species that severely impact several sectors of the Missouri economy and native biodiversity. The purpose of the council — working as a united, supportive front—is to review, discuss, and recommend educational and regulatory action related to managing known and potential non-­native invasive plants. Representatives from the fields of conservation, agriculture, botanical science, ecological services, plant production, horticulture, landscape services and design, and arboriculture make up the council.

Download the MoIP Fact Sheet or Rack Card for more information. 


Missouri is committed to reducing the impact of invasive plants through early detection and control.


To benefit Missouri, MoIP advances efforts to reduce the impact of invasive plants.


  •  Goal 1: In crease public awareness of invasive plants to bolster early detection and control efforts.
  •  Goal 2: Advocate that continued sale of specific known and future invasive plants be stopped.
  •  Goal 3: Review, promote, utilize, share, and refine existing strategies and techniques to support invasive plant management.
  •  Goal 4: Ensure continued effective organization structure and operations of MoIP.


  • 2015 – Grow Native! meets with Missouri Department of Conservation and Missouri Department of Natural Resources to discuss addressing invasive plant problems on the landscape. The Missouri Invasive and Exotic Plant Species Task Force is formed with members from landscape services, the horticultural industry, conservation groups, researchers, and government agencies.
  • 2016 – The website launches, with a goal to become a clearinghouse of information regarding invasive plant management for species of concern in the state of Missouri. The council begins drafting list of plants and reviewers for Invasive Plant Assessment.
  • 2017 – The group changes name to Missouri Invasive Plant Task Force (MoIP). MoIP releases General Guidelines for Methods of Control.
  • 2018 – MoIP releases first Invasive Plant Assessment of 142 plants. Working with the City of Columbia, members host a field day focused on Callery pear. Mizzou Botanic Garden becomes the first to sign the Missouri Invasive Plant Pledge.
  • 2019 – MoIP establishes Invasive Plant Action Award. With Forest ReLeaf, MoIP runs Missouri’s first Callery pear buy-back program in St. Louis.
  • 2020 – MoIP begins discussions with stakeholders regarding ceasing the sale of known invasive plants in Missouri.
  • 2021 – MoIP votes to change from a Task Force to a Council, to change its name to Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), and to adopt a Protocol that guides the governance of this Council.
  • 2022 – MoIP creates a five-year strategic plan. Click here to view the MoIP Strategic Plan for 2022-2026.

Who We Are

Carol Davit

MoIP Chair and Missouri Prairie Foundation Executive Director

Carol Davit has worked for more than 20 years in the conservation and environmental fields in communications, development, administration, and leadership capacities. She has worked for private, nonprofit conservation groups and at the municipal and state government levels. She has been the editor of field guides and written on a wide variety of natural history and conservation topics for the Missouri Prairie Journal, the Missouri Conservationist, and other publications.

Matt Arndt

MoIP Vice-Chair and President of the Missouri Consulting Foresters Association

Matt Arndt is a consulting forester and arborist, and is the owner of Matt’s Healthy Woods & Wildlife. He carries certifications from both the Society of American Foresters and the International Society of Arboriculture. In addition to his full-time forestry work, Matt also has side businesses in native seed production and custom web development. He has served as President of the Missouri Consulting Foresters Association since 2013, and is the vice-chair of the Missouri Invasive Plant Council. He also serves on the Natural Resources Subcommittee of the NRCS State Technical Committee, the Missouri Farm Bureau Forestry Advisory Committee, and the Cameron Park Board.


Contact MoIP via email at

MoIP Members

Members have expertise in invasive plant science and/or management or have other experience, knowledge, or skills that are valuable to advance the mission of MoIP and carry out its objectives. Members are added by consensus of the existing member group.

Active MoIP Steering Committee members meet four times each year to develop strategies for addressing invasive plant species in the state of Missouri.

Dates for 2025 quarterly meetings: January 21, April 15, July 17, and October 21.



MoIP Associates

MoIP Council regularly engages with groups outside of those represented within the Council. Known as Associates, these organizations receive regular updates from MoIP and agree to share our information with their membership, when relevant. They are welcome to attend MoIP meetings, but must arrange for attending ahead of the meeting day. Organizations may include landholding groups or agencies, horticulture industry associations, conservation groups, and individuals. MoIP strives to get involvement from a diverse group of associates. If your organization is interested in engaging with MoIP, email



  • Anastasia Becker, Private Citizen, MDA-retired
  • Chris Edmondson, DNR – Rock Bridge State Park
  • Craig Young, National Park Service – Heartlands Invasive Plant Management Team
  • Drew Walters, FSA/USDA
  • Eric Bohle, Columbia Public Schools/Friends of Rock Bridge State Park
  • Hunter Moore, Kansas City WildLands
  • Jay Doty, Magnificent Missouri
  • Jen Larson, US Forest Service
  • Jason Sykes, NRCS
  • John Nekola, retired from New Urban Landscaping
  • Ken McCarty, Missouri Department of Natural Resources/Missouri State Parks
  • Kyra Krakos, Maryville University
  • Lauren Pile, National Forest Service Northern Research Station
  • Lauren Jared, Landscape Designer
  • Lea Langdon, Missouri Master Naturalist
  • Lesli Moylan, Missouri Environmental Education Association
  • Margaret Chamas, Goats On The Go
  • Mark Renz, MIPN
  • Mike Hoffman, Forest & Woodland Association of Missouri
  • Mike Rood, Pea Ridge Forest
  • Miranda Brandt, Missouri National Guard, Natural Resource Manager
  • Nadia Navarrete-Tindall, Native Plant Program
  • Nathan Kempker, Missouri National Guard, Environmental Management Office
  • Quinn Long, Missouri Botanical Garden
  • Robbie Doerhoff, Missouri Department of Conservation/Forest Health
  • Rosalee Knipp, Missouri Department of Agriculture
  • Shane Staten, Swallowtail (Mitigation Banking / Habitat Restoration)
  • Steve Clubine, Agriculture
  • Sue Bartelette, Lincoln University Native Plant Program
  • Susan Ehlenbeck, Missouri Department of Agriculture

Become a MoIP Member or Associate

We are looking for new members and associates, especially those who represent the following areas:

    • Agriculture
    • Transportation
    • Vegetation Management (e.g., Military, Corp of Engineers, Utilities)
    • Private Citizens

Submission instructions:

Click the button below to view and download the application form. Email completed application forms to the MoIP Coordinator at

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