On July 13th, 2024, The Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA), represented by co-director Jamin Bray, conducted a training with Missouri State Parks full time and seasonal staff about interpreting invasive species in Missouri. The training course focused...
April 24: Grow Native! Master Class: Restoring Remnant Woodlands in a Sea of Bush Honeysuckle
Many natural woodlands and shady landscapes are infested with invasive bush honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), one of the biggest current threats to native woodland ecosystems. When mature, these highly aggressive invasive shrubs compete with native plants for sunlight,...
Bush Honeysuckle Found Guilty at The Old Courthouse St. Louis, MO
The Trial of Bush Honeysuckle publicly convened elements of education, ecology and civic responsibility in the historic setting of the Old Courthouse at Gateway Arch National Park, on April 4, 2018. Learn more here. Congratulations to Dale Dufer for organizing such an...
Honeysuckle Trial in St. Louis
A St. Louis man sued bush honeysuckle. Here's how it turned out. Witnesses featured MoIP's own Carol Davit (Missouri Prairie Foundation director), Kat Dockery of the Open Space Council St. Louis, and more.
Invasive to Watch This Season
The non-native, invasive grass tall fescue (Festuca arundinaria) can be treated with glyphosate on warm days during the winter. The recommended control is through a foliar application of glyphosate with surfactant added. Often multiple applications are necessary to eradicate an established stand. One quart of glyphosate per acre in the winter is recommended. For spot treatment of isolated tall fescue plants, use 1% to 2% of glyphosate with surfactant.