Consumers should properly dispose of infected rhododendrons and lilac plants [link to release] JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Agriculture, in coordination with USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service, has detected ramorum blight on rhododendron...
Nominations Open for Invasive Plant Action Awards
Contact: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New awards program of the Missouri Invasive Plant Task Force to recognize exemplary work in invasive plant early detection and control. JEFFERSON CITY (May 13, 2019)—As public awareness grows about the harmful...
Bush Honeysuckle Found Guilty at The Old Courthouse St. Louis, MO
The Trial of Bush Honeysuckle publicly convened elements of education, ecology and civic responsibility in the historic setting of the Old Courthouse at Gateway Arch National Park, on April 4, 2018. Learn more here. Congratulations to Dale Dufer for organizing such an...
Collaborative Invasive Species Outreach Event at Missouri State Fair
This summer, MoIP participated in a new, multi-agency outreach event all about invasive species. This was a great event and we will make it an annual one!
Invasive to Watch This Season
The non-native, invasive grass tall fescue (Festuca arundinaria) can be treated with glyphosate on warm days during the winter. The recommended control is through a foliar application of glyphosate with surfactant added. Often multiple applications are necessary to eradicate an established stand. One quart of glyphosate per acre in the winter is recommended. For spot treatment of isolated tall fescue plants, use 1% to 2% of glyphosate with surfactant.